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On 26 January 2016 at 13:29, Tom Davies <> wrote:
Hi :)
Phil, i know you think you probably think you are just an atheist and
acting reasonably but this topic didn't arise in all the years that we
have seen Christian messages in various people's signatures.  The
discussion only arose after the only Islamic quote in all these years.

This has happened at a time when it's popular to attack Muslims for
their faith, and for the stereotypes pushed out by mainstream media to
demonise and vilify Muslims.

Ridiculing religions in general might seem reasonable but choosing to
do so right now, only after the first Islamic quote in a signature and
not in any of the previous several years of Christian quotes (and
hundreds of them) is Islamaphobic.

It has been good to see people on this mailing-list increasingly make
a stand against the increasing level of Islamaphobia in this thread -
even people who don't understand or don't agree with Islam.  In my
opinion standing with someone who seems to be being given a hard-time
by 'the mainstream' is FAR more impressive than just taking cheap
opportunistic pot-shots that are

LibreOffice and the OpenDocument Format are making a stand against the
mainstream and although the tide may be beginning to turn for us i am
sure we can all remember moments where mainstream-people have done or
said things, without even realising it, that are extremely pro-MSO and
their ever-changing, unreliable formats.

Please can we drop this topic and get on with the questions at hand?
Regards from
Tom :)

On 26 January 2016 at 04:37, Philip Rhoades <> wrote:

On 2016-01-26 07:24, Virgil Arrington wrote:

On 01/25/2016 01:40 PM, jomali wrote:

Please note that the original message by Nasrin was on a topic germane to
this list. One member with an excessively tender sore spot objected to
something in Nasrin's signature that expressed his sincerely held faith.
There was no intent on Nasrin's part to proselytize or to demean
faith, as Phil's diatribe does.

I tend to agree about signature lines. They can contain all kinds of
things having nothing to do with LO. Sometimes they're funny;

That would be fine . .

times they are informative about the writer. Phil's signature line
includes his address in Australia, which is informative, but has
nothing to do with LO. Nasrin's signature line includes a a few lines
about his Muslim faith,

Another person with low general knowledge . . again I am not surprised . .

also informative but also having nothing to do
with LO.

I pretty much ignore signature lines, and I can't possibly imagine
being offended by one, regardless of what it might say.

a Christian who loves Muslims

And there we have it - another person who has an agenda - they can't
criticise someone else for proselytising their superstitious nonsense
because they have their own superstitious nonsense . . a person who "loves"
someone else but does not even know that the person they "love" is a "she"
and not a "he" . . clueless . .


Philip Rhoades

PO Box 896
Cowra  NSW  2794

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