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Le 19/01/2016 13:29, Malcolm Moore a écrit :

SQL Staus : S1000
Error code: 72
out of memory

The message points to a lack of assigned memory for the Java VM process
that launches the Base-hdslqdb combination. Could it be that the
machines in question are using multiple other Java threads or apps and
there is not enough memory left to allocate to the opened ODB Java
hsqldb instance ?

If you want to increase the allocated Java resources for an ODB file,
you have to extract it, and go and tweak one of the database specific
configuration files contained therein (unfortunately, can't remember
which one, possibly SCRIPT.

The message could also be completely erroneous or misleading, such
things have already happened in LibreOffice, but then finding out what
really is the problem will be more difficult.

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