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Though this is possible through calc, there are probably other and
even easier options available:

the ideal on a desktop pc would be to write something in base, though
I'm not experienced with that. Perhaps there exist some web based
options as well.
Finally, there are most likely possibilies in the different app
stores, eg :

Good luck with the development / searching for the tool, but most of
all : good luck with loosing weight! Try to do some sports as well :-)

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On 19 January 2016 at 09:45, JL <> wrote:
Good evening all,

I've found myself in a position where I need to drop serious weight for
health reasons.  I have a diet that works (more a complete change of
eating) but I need help in the planning of it.  I have used Libre Office
(and OOo before that) for years, but only for basic word processing and
*light* slideshow presentations.

I switched to the Eat to Live lifestyle last year and never felt better.
The problem is, I found myself eating out a lot (take away salads and
soups) to comply with the diet.  When I bought the stuff myself I either
bought to much, or not enough.  Eventually I caved into just eating what
was available.

Now that you know the backstory, what I'm trying to accomplish is this.

1. I need, using Calc, to create a calender view of the current month.

2. On each day, I need there to be about 5 dropdown menus, populated
with menu choices.

3. Once all of the week is put in (due to a lot of fresh vegetables
being in, it could be every 3 days. I'm flexible.) I need the program to
spit out a shopping list

Simplification of the above:  Throughout a week, I put in some meals
that have 1/2 a cup of spinach here, 2 cups there, ect. I need the
program to spit out total cups at the end of the week. (as an added
bonus, if I can put in that X cups ='s Y lbs of a given item so that I
get weight, even better)

In regards to the above simplification, I don't just need it for
spinach. It's going to giving me a weekly shopping list of every
component in every recipe.

I hope this isn't too long winded, but I'm at my wits end just sitting
here and staring at Calc. I need to make this happen, and fairly quickly

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