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I have a form which holds several fields which are not bound to a database table, but are showing 
data for information purposes only.

Consider the following code snippet.

        oResultSet = oStatement.executeQuery()
        if not isnull(oResultSet)then
                sDiscountFact = oResultSet.getString(1) 
                oDiscountFact = oForm.getByName("discountFact")
              oDiscountFact.TEXT = format(sDiscountFact, sFormatString2)
        end if

If the form has just been opened, the last line returns an error:
"Property or method not found: .TEXT."
If I now change the formatted field to a text box and back again to a formatted field, the problem 
is solved - until the form is closed and opened again.Is this a bug to be fixed soon, or is this a 
more permanent "feature"?

Now I changed the last line with the following:
That produces the same error message:
"Property or method not found: setString."

I have also tried:
As expected, this does not work, because the field is not bound to a database.

Is there any other alternative to display text on an unbound field, one that works correctly all 
the time? The solution to this problem is really important for me. 

Thanks for any suggestions.

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