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      From: Brian Barker <>
 Sent: Thursday, 12 February 2015, 13:12
 Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Writer: how to turn off auto-generated lists?
At 10:33 12/02/2015 +0000, Gary Collins wrote:
Hopefully an easy question for someone :-)

Yup: so easy that there are two answers!

Always think of keeping the facility and dealing 
it with it piecemeal when it happens. The action 
of pressing Enter to complete the first paragraph 
causes an automatic "correction" which you will 
notice. The correction is a separate process from 
the paragraph break that you actually want. So if 
you go *immediately* to Edit | Undo (or Ctrl+Z), 
you can remove the correction but retain the part you need.

Thanks, Brian, I'll try to remember to try that and see if it helps.
I looked in "options" and I looked in 
"preferences" but couldn't see a way to turn off 
this behaviour. There was nothing in the 
paragraph style that I could see that should cause this behaviour.

If you really want to disable this correction 
process completely, remove the tick from Tools | 
AutoCorrect Options... | Options | Apply numbering - symbol: *.
I'm pretty sure I unchecked that, and it didn't make any difference. I'd better double check, 
though. As I indicated in a response to another reply, it doesn't seem to work like that here in 
the office, in a new document. It seems that in my document at home, LO seems to think that it is 
in the middle of a list and responds accordingly. I really don't know. I'm going to install the 
latest version soon, though, and will see if that helps...

I trust this helps.
I hope it does! We'll have to see ;-)

Brian Barker


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