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Regina Henschel писал 2011-08-08 21:39:

grfried schrieb:
It is not clear to me why "Insert Cut Cells" following a previous Cut and "Insert Copied Cells" following a previous Copy are not available in the right-click menu in LibreOffice Calc as they are in Microsoft Excel. I use
them very frequently to re-order a set range of rows where sort is not

You do it different in LibO:
For cut&paste:
(1) Mark the row or column to move.
(2) Hold down the Alt-key and drag. You will notice a bold horizontal
line. If you have marked a whole row or column, do not try to use the
header, but use a cell.
(3) Drop when the line is there, where you want to insert the row or column.

For copy&paste hold down Alt-Key and Ctrl-Key.

Thank you very much for this method.
It allows to overcome missing "insert cut cell feature" ("paste special" do not replace it as it leaves unneeded empty cells). But is was hard to understand - when dragging multiple lines insert position depends on which line was "dragged" - if I drag first line everything OK but if I drag second line, block inserts above line that is above cursor itself - and it looks odd.

Cut behavior of LO itsef is semi-microsoft, semi-classic - data is gone to clipboard disappearing from sheet, but flowing rectangle around empty cells remains on screen for unclear purpose (in MS Office it means that data is cut, what it means in LO I cannot guess).

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