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On 26/11/14 20:41, jonathon wrote:

Once upon a time, there was an extension that did password recovery. I
don't know how well it works/worked. I couldn't find it, when I searched
the LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice archives today.

Found it: 1.0/

This is for either OOo 1.1.x, or OOo 2.x.
It won't work for LibreOffice 3.x or LibreOffice 4.x

If one expects to crack the password within a reasonable period of time,
one has to know some basic information about the forgotten password.


1,114,112 glyphs that can be theoretically utilized
2048 characters per password
1.289106802e+12384 potential passwords to check.

Worst case scenario is 2.452638512e+12378 years, at one password per second.
Theoretically, it will be obtained within 1.25e+12378 years.

The required time will decrease, as the number of passwords checked per
second increases.

Using a currently available brute force decryption macro for OOo, it
will take 2.554831784e+12375 years for the worst case scenario, and
roughly 1.225e+12375 years in the average scenario.

If the number of glyphs is restricted to 128, and the password length is
restricted to 8 characters, then your worst case scenario is
5.238909443e+16 potential passwords, which can be decrypted in
1.038279554e+8 years (worst case scenario) or 5.191397771e+7 years, in
the average situation, at 16 passwords per second.


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