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Um - well two points:
1. None of the paid developers are paid by TDF - we have 0 paid
developers on staff.
2. Most commits are still done by volunteers and many are done by paid
developers on their free time (ie. when they are volunteering).

On 10/02/2014 12:53 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
On 10/2/2014 12:04 PM, jonathon <> wrote:
The devs have no idea how people use the product, and thus only test
a minuscle subset of available features, functions, and
Relevant and true to an extent and in some cases, certainly, but I'm
sorry, cut/copy/paste functionality with respect to input fields is bare
minimum basic *fundamental* behavior, and 'knowing people will want to
use the fields in such a manner' - well, if a developer truly has such a
limited imagination, then I highly doubt they would make a competent

Bigger picture question - which is more reasonable:

a) expecting an end user to test every, single feature among the
thousands of features provided by Libreoffice, before every single
update, or on every single daily build?


b) expecting the actual developers who are doing the coding to do at
least some bare, minimum testing of the code that they, themselves are
writing, with respect to the feature(s) said code is affecting?

Asked another way with respect to this specific issue:

Which is more reasonable:

a) expecting an end user to find and discover that one very specific
feature that they use among hundreds (or more) of other features has a bug?


b) expecting the developer doing the actual coding for a very specific
feature/function, to find a bug with respect to the most basic and
fundamental aspect of said feature?

The developer *knows* what they are working on, and *knows* what the
basic functionality should be.

I'm being accused of 'refusing to help' by way of QA, testing, etc.

Tell me - how are *users* supposed to know that a major feature they
rely on on a daily basis is being replaced? In my opinion, this new
feature (and others like it - especially when it is *replacing* an
*existing* feature - should have been announced right here on  the users
list, with requests to test it.

Another major point being missed here is that we aren't talking about
some obscure bug that only happens under certain circumstances. We are
talking about the inability to paste into input fields, in every case,
on every platform, in every version since 4.2.x.

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