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Le 16/07/2014 06:42, Owen Genat a écrit :

Hi Owen,

I would first try to reproduce the error without a USB external storage
device being a factor. I cannot recommend working directly from a USB
device. Ever. The risk of failure (in all contexts) seems to go up
considerably when doing so and I myself have suffered from this (although
not with LO). Not an answer I know, and you have my full sympathy and
respect Alex, just a possible avenue for further testing. 

I was also always sceptical of reading/writing directly from/to external
storage, but this issue had never occurred in any of the preceding 3.x
or 4.1 versions of LO on OSX (or in any other version of
StarOffice/OOo/LO/AOO/NeoOffice that I have had). So, I was naturally
caught "unawares" as they say. After many hundreds of hours of using
previous iterations of LO with external storage, one certainly does not
expect it to behave in a contrary fashion in an allegedly "stable" release.

I can confirm that the problem only occurs on OSX when writing to
external storage. And never occurred with 4.1.x, so this is new to 4.2.5
at least. I can't however state with accuracy that it didn't occur with
4.2.3 (which I also have), but seeing as I was using that before, I'm
pretty (although not absolutely) certain that I didn't encounter the
problem there either.

I am not discounting an LO problem as your description sounds similar to
this bug: The example
file does open in Writer (displays garbage), but cannot be opened by an
archive manager.

It is certainly similar, to the extent, that the file is corrupted,
however, I can not even open it in any version of LO, OOo, or NeoOffice.
I had someone test the file on Linux last night, and they too were
unable to either parse it as a zip file or open it in any version of LO
that they had.

Thanks for your input Owen.


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