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If you select a cel you should see the formula in the topin the line containing the selected cell, 
just after fx ∑ =

If you want to see ten all, go to preferences > LibreOffica Calc > View and tick Formulas


Op 12 jul. 2014, om 20:59 heeft Tom Williams het volgende geschreven:

Hi!  I'm using LibreOffice on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux (64-bit) and I
created an OpenDocument with a table that has a few cells with
formulas.  The formulas are simple in nature (basic math) but I would
like to see the formula of any given cell at any given time.

I've found if I hover the mouse over a cell in the last row of the
table, the formula appears as a tool-tip.  However, if I hover over
another cell in a row in the middle of the table, the formula doesn't

Is there a way I can see the formula in any given cell in a table in Writer?

Thanks in advance!


"The Other" Tom   :)

/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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