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Hi all,

maybe I am just not doing things right, but I have a weird problem.

I have a calc spreadsheet (.ods) and I have 2 (F&G in the following example) columns which 
represent a Dutch Florin/Euro value. Therefore I want the value to show at least 1 digit, and 2 
digits behind the decimal point (that is a , in the Netherlands). So, the value shows like 0,05 (5 
cents); 0,10 (10 cents), 2,15 (2 guilders 15 cents)  etc.

So, set the formatting to #.##0,00; So far so good.

However... In the earlier days NL had half cents. So, I want to keep the formatting the same, but 
extend with one digit if needed do denote half cents...

So I select the columns and change the formatting to #.##0,00#

This works as expected. Above values are still displayed as before, but values 0,125 (for 12 and a 
half cents) are displayed with 3 digits.

Here is an example before save/reopen:

Stat    VEIL-ID NVPH nr Jaar    
Nom. Waarde     Toeslag Serie   AlbumBlad       Album
1       1852    ƒ       0,05            
1       1
2       1852    ƒ       0,10    0,005   
1       1
3       1852    ƒ       0,15    0,50    3       1       1
4       1864    ƒ       0,125   0,05    
1       1

If I now save and close the spreadsheet, and open it again all values are all over sudden displayed 
with 3 digits behind the decimal comma!
This is what it becomes when I open the file:

Stat    VEIL-ID NVPH nr Jaar    
Nom. Waarde     Toeslag Serie   AlbumBlad       Album
1       1852    ƒ       0,050           
1       1
2       1852    ƒ       0,100   0,005   
1       1
3       1852    ƒ       0,150   0,500   3       1       1
4       1864    ƒ       0,125   0,050   
1       1

Is this bad behavior of LO calc or am I missing something here?

Any advice appreciated!


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