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Hi :)
It sounds as though you need a "DeskTop Publishing" program rather than a

Word-processing is primarily about creating and editing content = doing the
writing, getting ideas and thoughts 'down onto paper'.

DTP takes existing content and applies the layout.

Errr, i tried to find unbiased sources but they tended to be so heavily
broken-up by advertisements or done by people who are trying to keep things
so simple that they turn into a massive advert for just 1 company's
products.  Oddly the Scribus page turns out to be less biased than most
such pages!

Of course the boundary between DTP and word-processing is very blurred,
particularly with Writer.  Even Word can do a lot to make the layout look
good enough for most cases but Writer cranks that up several notches.  Word
has had many things added to give it an appearance of DTP functionality.
Writer is largely a DTP program at it's core and thus encourages a slightly
different way of doing things.  DTP programs tend to allow simple editing
but they are not usually designed for that part to be easy and

Many of the arguments/discussions on this mailing-list are due to Writer
not being primarily a DTP (the images thread, this thread, all the LaTeX
ones etc) OR about how Writer does some things differently from the
infamous MS word-processor.

Apparently Writer does work particularly well with Scribus but apparently
does do output that is easier for professional printing companies to handle
directly (except that many of those have probably become so used to getting
Word files that they don't trust users to produce good enough output).
Regards from
Tom :)

On 25 May 2014 08:01, Ian Graham <> wrote:

Hallo again, and thanks to everyone who has replied to my original post,
privately or here.

First of all, I understand I may have unwittingly transgressed in the
posting of it . If so, I do apologise.

As to the substantive points: what I think I've learnt is that (a) yes, I
had missed something (b) that something being that the alignment buttons
are more limited than going the menu route, and specifically that the
'justify' button does not work on a single line, or the last line of a
paragraph, whereas (I think) the other three buttons do.

The query originally came to my attention when I was laying out a
'display'-style document, ie not continuous text. There was one line I
wanted to spread as widely as possible without increasing the font size.
Applying what I now know: the Justify command (via format menu) treats the
individual words as sacrosanct, and just increases the spaces between them,
which can look a bit odd. Manually adding spaces between letters overcomes
this, and then inserting more spaces (to taste!) in what should be the gaps
between 'words' progressively reduces the 'value' of the spaces within the

Once again, many thanks

Ian G.
Wales UK
----- Original Message ----- From: "Cley Faye" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Full justification

 2014-05-24 22:25 GMT+02:00 william drescher <>:

 I forgot to mention: if you have already typed the text you want
justified, you have to highlight it when clicking on the justify button.

​Technically, it should work by just having the cursor in the paragraph,
the justification is a paragraph property. If it doesn't apply the
justification to other lines, then indeed your lines are not part of the
same paragraph (e.g. the return key was used somewhere).>
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