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Hi :)
The problem with that way is that a ton of excess coding might be saved
right along with everything else.

I suspect the o.p. is trying to clean-up a document.  Maybe not though in
which case your way is really simple and very quick.

When people send me stuff for my company's (well my boss's company)
newsletter is just paste everything in as unformatted text and then use
styles to make it fit in better.  Occasionally i go in and apply direct
formatting to make numbered lists or bullet-points look right but mostly i
don't bother and that makes the whole thing look more consistent
internally.  I jazz it up a bit with images but mostly the aim seems to be
to make it look boring. [shrugs]
Regards from
Tom :)

On 19 May 2014 12:40, Virgil Arrington <> wrote:

On 05/19/2014 06:24 AM, muhali wrote:

The purpose is to "clone" an entire document into an empty new document.

To do so, I would select the document and paste the selection into the new
document, then load the style definitions from the original document (via
F11 - Load Styles..., all styles and Overwrite).

This reproduces everything except the outline numbering. What am I

I use outline numbering a lot with LO and it's always giving me fits. Just
when I think I understand it, it throws me another curve.

I believe the outline numbering is controlled by the settings in the
Template being used when you open an empty new document. I don't think it
is controlled by paragraph styles.

At any rate, the easiest way I know to clone a document is to save it with
a new name, using the "File/Save As" command. Then the original version
will have the original name, and the cloned document will have a new name.
I think everything should be properly reproduced then.


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