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I'm creating a simple API to CRUD simple .ods (calc) files.
I have a copy of the ODF/ODS standard but to be sure I get it right I
often check what LibreOffice
is generating in each case.
Unfortunately all the XML files (which make up the .ods files) aren't
formatted by LibreOffice so I have to waste
a lot of time formatting them by hand to be able to analyze the contents.

Is there any option in LibreOffice to make it generate _formatted_
underlying XML files?

By analogy, Qt's QXmlStreamWriter class has special methods for this:
QXmlStreamWriter xml;

one can even specify if tabs or spaces are to be used, and how many, like this:
setAutoFormattingIndent(-1); // means use one tab
setAutoFormattingIndent(4); // means use 4 spaces

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