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I can hardly understand the choice made in the default behavior when
resizing an image.

Most of the time, if not always, when I resize an image it is because it is
too large and I resize it so its dimension will fit the content design. I
very rarely need to flatten or distort an image in any direction.
So, for my use case, resizing an image should keep the ratio by default, and
for the rare situation when flattening is needed pressing additional keys
(shift or whatever) or simply using other handlers than the corner ones
would do the trick.

However this is not the choice which has been made in LibreOffice, and
moreover this behavior is not even configurable.
The non-configurable default behavior is to flatten the image, no matter the
handler which has been used, and for the supposedly “rare” case when the
user would-like to keep the ratio he can use his both hands, pressing shift
key on the keyboard while using the mouse to select and drag the handle
without releasing the shift key... which may pose severe accessibility
limitation for not computer friendly people.

What I would-like to understand is why this choice has been made?

Is my use-case so strange and unusual ? Do common people most often need to
flatten the image and not keeping their ratio ? Why this default behavior is
not even configurable?

When I look on the Internet I can see such question arise from time to time,
but with no real answer. LibreOffice is a nice software and I would-like to
defend it again accusation it is a crappy things... but here, when you have
to tell a casual user who is used to just use the mouse to easily resize an
image (like it does not only on other well known document editors but also
on wysiwyg web editors), that here he will have to use this complex and
counter-intuitive procedure just because there is no other way, I do not see
how to present it as an evolution :(...

Thank by advance you for you suggestions,

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