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2014-03-28 13:34 GMT+01:00 Marion & Noel Lodge <>:

My macro is expecting a single value, but under v4.1 it has three values,
so it's obvious why it is throwing the error.

In both cases I have used the Java version 1.6.0_29, so I cannot work out
why there is this difference in the way the OdateModel object is storing
its Current Value.  I could test for the Current Value's Type each time and
extract the date with appropriate code.  But this doesn't seem to be the
right way to go.  And there could be other variances between the LO
versions that I haven't come across yet.

I am running an H2 Database on Windows 7 64 bit.  Can anyone spot what I
might be doing wrong with my Java settings in LO v4.1?

There ​was a change in date objects:
<> (look for "Changes
to UNO APIs")

​This looks like the culprit in your case. The best course of action is
likely to update your code to follow these changes (either a quick fix to
"reproduce" the old value, or more long-term fix in the code around it).​

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