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Hi Tom, *,

Am 30.09.2013 10:47 schrieb "Tom Davies" <>:
Ok, so that doesn't have much to do with whether a spell-checker would
work but surely all a spell-checker requires is
1.  the spell-checker engine itself.

That is a given. LO uses hunspell itself, but integrates also with other
engines like for example the Mac Os X one.

2.  That the language has a font and can be displayed on-screen

That is not a requirement for the spell checker, only one for the human in
front of the screen.

3.  a dictionary

Exactly. And there it depends strongly on the structure of the language how
complex that dictionary has to be.

Dictionaries can be created as they are really just lists of words

Well, they could be list of words, but this is inefficient. In reality they
consist of patterns and rules to modify those patterns/stems.


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