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On 09/25/2013 01:45 PM, Mark Bourne wrote:
leah wrote:
I'm trying to uninstall 4.1 from a Windows Vista OS using the Windows

It works for a while, then gives an error message saying I am not
logged in
as an administrator.

I am logged in as an administrator of my computer. I don't remember
LibreOffice asking me to become an admin of it. What the heck is it

Did you get a UAC (User Account Control) prompt asking to use elevated
privileges? If not, try right-clicking the uninstaller and selecting
"Run as Administrator", and confirm the resulting UAC prompt.

On Vista onwards, even when you're "logged in as an administrator"
most programs still run with restricted privileges; you have to
explicitly allow them to "elevate" to use administrative privileges.
The difference between restricted user and administrator accounts is
that restricted users have to enter an administrator's password, while
administrators can just click "yes" to allow elevation. Most recent
software will make this request when it needs to, so you don't need to
right-click and tell it to run as administrator, but worth a try if
for some reason it's not asking.

I hope that helps.


I have had the same issues with Vista myself.  That is one reason I
upgraded it to Win7. [not Win8].  I was the admin and that was the only
account on the laptop and the account that was created when I set up the
laptop for the first time.

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