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On 7/9/13 2:12 AM, Tom Davies wrote:

Writer, Word and WordPerfect and others do seem to be designed for business letters and fairly 
short works.  LaTeX (and the various front-ends (such as LyX) that attempt to make it easier to 
use) do seem to have advantages for larger works but are more difficult to wrestle with in the 
beginning when you are learning how to use them.  Many people try and give up or find them a 
total nightmare.  However, people DO manage to use Writer to do larger books.  Piers Anthony, the 
famous sci-fi writer, mentions it in the preface to most of his books.  Also our Documentation 
Team.  Our Documentation Team have even published an ePub and since found an easier way of doing 
it.  We should be learning from them and gain from their experience.  

I have heard rave reviews about Scrivener,  but was not impressed when I
looked at it,  but then I don't usually write books......  It looked
very robust and comprehensive, but a bit complex as far as setting up
your templates,  but I suppose the same can be said of writer.

There is also a latex lab for google docs which I have played with if
you want to be that granular....

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