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One of the writers in the Windows Secrets newsletter recently compared OO and LO to MS Office, and I have to agree with him when he implied the LO web site is somewhat disorganized and confusing. Thus, this posting that is probably an enhancement request, but I can't find anywhere else to do such a thing.

I've used OO and LO for several years, and have found very little that I did in Office that I can't do now. One thing, though, is beyond the nuisance level but short of being a game stopper. I need the ability to outline text within a paragraph. I know a block of text can be highlighted with a different background or foreground color, but I need something that can actually be useful in a printed document. Sometimes underlining is insufficient, because it's not distinguishable from other underlined text.

As an example of what I want, just envision a box around "what I want" in this sentence. Obviously, outlining a paragraph doesn't do the trick.

Anyway, that's what I'd like to see sometime -- or, if I'm missing how to do it now, somebody please let me know!


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