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On 03/18/2013 07:27 PM, James E. Lang wrote:
I am currently using LibreOffice 3.6.x on my Kubuntu 12.10 Linux system.

I want to experiment with LibreOffice 4.0.x without putting my production spreadsheets in jeopardy.

I have been told by a member of our local Linux Users Group that I need to do two things in order to accomplish this.

1) Install LibreOffice in a different directory.
2) Use a different user settings directory.

I'm not sure what item 2) means or how to accomplish this aside from creating a separate user on the computer. He tells me that the user settings directory is usually under ~/.config where I find an empty directory named libreoffice.

I would appreciate instructions that I can follow to accomplish this.
You do not have to install LO 4.0.x in a different directory. This is because of the configuration folder for LO and how it is configured. This folder is located here: /home/<user name>/.config/libreoffice. This folder has two subfolders: 3 and 4. The configuration files and folders for 3.6.x are all located in the "3" folder. The configuration files and folders for 4.0.x are in the "4" folder. Also, /opt/ contains the files and folders for LibreOffice. /opt/libreoffice3.6/ contains the files for 3.6 and /opt/libreoffice4.0 contains the files for LO 4.0. I write this because this is what I have in /opt/ on my hard drive. Presently, I use both of these versions without any problems. When version 3.5 was the more stable version and version came out, you had to install in a separate folder. Both would install the configuration files in /home/<user name>/.config/libreoffice/3/. They would use the same configuration files.
     Hopefully, this will make a little more sense.


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