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2013/2/27 pierre masci <>:
I solved my problem in another but simple way, finally.
It would still be handy to have a shortcut to column start though...

I made a Macro that moves the current row up (and another one to go
down). And i have a handy shortcut to use it.
Step by step, it does:
 - select current row: Shift+Space
 - copy: Ctrl+C
 - delete current row: Ctrl + "-"
 - move up: up arrow
 - insert row: Shift+Space, Ctrl + "+"
 - go to line beginning and copy: Home, Ctrl+C


Intructions for use:
Record this Macro, make a customized shortcut for it (in
It's extremely convenient for me. I hope it helps someone else.

To do the same thing for moving columns around, i thought that i
needed to go to the first cell of the column, for the last step.
In fact i didn't.
Same for the "move_row_up" macro that i just presented: there is no
need to press "Home" at the last step of the macro.
And it's even better without the "Home" in the sequence! Then you can
also add this in the end:
- unselect row: down arrow, up arrow
And the selected cell remains the same as it was initially.

On 27 February 2013 11:26, Brian Barker <> wrote:
At 09:39 27/02/2013 +0000, Pierre Masci wrote:

Hello, with "Home" i can move to the start of the current row. How can i
do the same thing with a column?

I don't know that you can.  But Ctrl+up-arrow may help.  If the cell
immediately above is occupied, this moves to the top of the current block of
data.  If it is not, this moves to the nearest cell (that is, the lowest) in
the next contiguous block of data in the column.  So repeated use of
Ctrl+up-arrow will get you to the top of the column.  This will work easily
if most cells in your spreadsheet are occupied, but will be pretty useless
with sparse data.

Note that you can move about in similar ways using combinations of Ctrl plus
the other three arrow keys.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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I opened Andrew's macro document and stole some code from there (see
listing 6.14 – Select a single cell so it has an outline”), which
after adding and removing some lines, looks like this (and it works):

REM ***** BASIC *****

Option Explicit

Sub Main
    Dim oSelection As Object

    Dim iColumn As Integer, iSheet As Integer

    Dim oSheet As Object, oCell As Object
    oCell=oSheet.GetCellbyPosition(iColumn, 0)


    Dim oRanges As Object
End Sub

Johnny Rosenberg

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