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On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Fabian Rodriguez wrote:

On 13-02-14 02:05 PM, Felmon Davis wrote:
this thread is off-topic but I'll take advantage of it before it's
cut: I would like a solution where

a) individuals could upload documents to me
b) they wouldn't be able to see each other's documents (unless I
allowed it)
c) should be either linux-based or agnostic.

OwnCloud. Wait for version 5 though ("End of February"):



thanks. this deserves more study but so far as I can see now, it doesn't suit my purpose. it allows me to access files from diverse places and devices. I can already do that on a server to which I have ssh and sshfs access.

what I need is something where _others_ can upload their files for _me_ to access. think of students uploading papers for the teacher to grab. the students shouldn't see each other's work though they should see their own.

(it would be great if they had permissions to modify and delete their own stuff but not essential; it is essential that Windows and Mac people can upload their files.)

I'll study the owncloud page more but I'm not seeing these features so far.


Felmon Davis

"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is
the exact opposite."
                -- Bertrand Russell, _Sceptical_Essays_, 1928

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