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krackedpress wrote
… How much has been changed between 3.6.5 and 4.0.0 that affected the
integration, other than the addition of "persona" to the UI?
I wonder why the integration will not work with 12.xx since that it the
current version of Ubuntu?
why would they work on doing the work on the OS version that is not even

Good questions, and I think I know the answers. Canonical tends to freeze
applications for a specific version, releasing updated versions only if
needed for security. Firefox, Chromium and Thunderbird are the only
exceptions due to their unusual release mechanisms.

I believe that there have been large changes to the core code of Unity
between 12.04 and 12.10, and further changes to 13.04. So, that could
explain it: Canonical created package "lo-menubar" for Unity, but it works
(badly) only on LibreOffice 3.5 if I remember correctly. It does not work on
later versions, and indeed conflicts with them.

krackedpress wrote
So if the next LTS is 14.04LTS, then there will be a lot of Ubuntu users
[Unity or others] that will be still using 12.xx for another year or so. 
Now work for 12.xx, does not make sense.  It needs to work and not make"
you wait till 13.04 or later.

Well, that's Canonical's way. You can either upgrade every six months to a
new Ubuntu version, or stick with the LTS. The structure is there to cater
for the home users who like to keep up-to-date (non-LTS) and the business
and corporate users who prefer longer-term stability (LTS). I tend to stick
with the LTS for stability, but because I use Libre Office extensively, I
prefer to keep Libre Office updated especially when earlier versions have


Given all the comments that have been given on this thread (and some more
that I received off-list), I believe we can conclude that it won't work
before 13.04.

I'll just have to wait for 14.04 before using the Unity Integration.
Fortunately, it is not a big deal. We can live with it.

Thank you everyone for your responses — they have been helpful.

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