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Am Samstag, 2. Februar 2013 schrieb webmaster-Kracked_P_P:
On 02/02/2013 07:30 AM, Walther Koehler wrote:
Hello web-m, hello list,

Thank you for your reply.

I am using / have been using different Linux Debian Versions and OO from 2.* 
on up to LO 3.5.3 and I have seen no different behaviour in the grammar and 
spelling checker.

If I insert/delete a letter outside the red marking, the next word to be 
corrected ist only partially marked red. i.e.
cONFUXION (capitals = red marked)
LO might offer as a better replacement "confusion", clicking on change gives

A paragraph might be formatted as "standard". Some words are in addition hard 
formatted as bold. As soon as I do some manual correction outside the 
red-marked words, the checker starts over checking that paragraph an killing 
all hard formats.


Hi folks,

I am using the spelling and grammar checker quite often. However, there
are some nasty drawbacks (in all versions of OO and LO I know):

- any manual correction outside the (red marked) word will result in
either reevaluation of the whole paragraph, loss of hard formats in that
paragraph and/or a shift in the red mark of the follwing words to be
corrected. This means, the red formatted text might cover only part of
the word to be corrected. Thus, correction will fail.



I have not i\encountered this "partial" covering of the word with the
red markings.

Please tell up which version of LibreOffice you are using and what is
you Operating System.

The "correction that fails" - do you mean the failure of the spell
checking system to correctly pick up the word, or are you talking about
failure to pick up the grammar issues?

"Loss of hard formatting" in the paragraph?  could you give an example

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