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At 12:23 02/02/2013 -0500, Keith Eonly wrote:
On Sat, 2 Feb 2013 08:31:35 -0700, John Meyer wrote:
I have two columns. Column A displays the logon names being used and Column B contains all possible logons (technically it's on another sheet, but I'll simplify). What I want to appear on column C is a list of all logons that are not being used. For instance:




So what I want to appear in column c is:


I'd also like this to be dynamic, so as I pull logons and delete them, the list updates as well. I've tried VLOOKUP and got sort of an answer, but not quite the one. Any ideas?

In column C use


It tests for column A and B match, returns column A if true, and an empty cell if false.

Unfortunately that suffers from two problems:
o It lists the names in use, not - as required - those not in use.
o (More important) It relies on the names in column A being positioned against the relevant entry in column B. In the example given, it would treat George as not in use and Jason as in use - neither of which is correct. If the user was required to insert the names in column A in the correct places for the scheme to work, he would have done all the work already.

Brian Barker

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