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On 30/01/2013 at 01:33, japersonal <> wrote:

I know the file is 7 pages long because I opened it via Google Docs/Drive
first. But when I open it via LibreOffice, only 3 first pages are displayed
and the bar at the bottom says "Page 1/3".

Does this document have any special features, like images, figures, embedded 
spreadsheets? Or is it just formatted text?

Can you tell if there is actually some data missing, or just page count that 

Number of total pages depend on font used, paragraph style setting, page 
margins, application algorithm to wrap paragraphs etc. It might be that you 
already have access to entire document. Given the difference (3:7) it is highly 
unlikely, but worth to check anyway.
Best regards
Mirosław Zalewski

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