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Le 05/12/2012 18:23, Oogie McGuire a écrit :

Hi Oogie,

Some fonts on my system suddenly become unavailable to LO. It happens in Calc and Writer.

This has been known to happen, I've seen it with Writer, but don't
recall it happening with Calc (yet), possibly because I wasn't using one
of the affected fonts in that sheet.

And finally no matter what I do the help file is blank when I open it up. I believe it's a 
related font issue but cannot seem to fix it. 

Which fonts is LO configured to use for the basic display of the
application ? In Preferences, there should be something that lets you
set the default font, and possibly a substitute font for rendering if
the initial one isn't there ?

Failing that, I would suggest moving/deleting your LO-user profile (make
sure LO isn't running first), and then letting LO create a new one when
you restart, to see if that helps at all.


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