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At 02:53 23/11/2012 -0500, Felmon Davis wrote:
On Fri, 23 Nov 2012, Brian Barker wrote:
At 08:23 22/11/2012 -0500, Virgil Aonly wrote:
The fact that the original questioner on this thread had to ask how to disable so many autocorrect features, I think, proves my point.

No - it just shows that he now knows about automatic correction *and* how to control it.

A user simply trying to type a document should never have to ask why the program is making unintended changes to his work.

Saying you don't want *unintended* changes is tautologous: you don't want what you don't want. No-one can argue with that. But that may require the program to read your mind.

It all depends on what you mean by "changes". If I type a complete sentence on one line of my document, the program *changes* what I typed by flowing the text onto multiple lines. I've typed a page or two and then decide to increase the font size of all my text; the program now *changes* what I had by reflowing the text to fit. I type a new value into a spreadsheet cell, the program *changes* all the cells with formulae depending on it - without my going near them!

If you don't want a program to make any automatic changes, you probably want a typewriter.


the emoticon is appropriate as the argument is obviously a strawman.

Oh, not at all! The suggestion was that users shouldn't have to see changes they don't expect. My examples were of changes that everyone values. I bet every typewriter user didn't expect reflowing the first time it happened, nor every spreadsheet user recalculation when that happened.

The important thing is that such facilities can be disabled - and they can. Our disagreement is whether these facilities should be on by default (so that experienced users who prefer to disable all or some of them simply need to do so), or whether they should be hidden, so they don't trouble experienced users but novice users (and possibly even experienced ones) never discover them.

is there such a thing as "-1"?

Now I need a "chuckle" emoticon ...

Brian Barker

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