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On 19/11/2012, Dennis E. Hamilton <> wrote:
The OOXML specifications are at least as complete and rigorous as the ODF

Every indication is that the ODF 1.2 support in Office 2013 is quite good.
Of particular importance to many users is that OpenFormula is now supported,
and this will provide a tremendous improvement in interop between
LibreOffice Calc and MSO 2013.  Whether this becomes a preferable path
between Office and LibreOffice instead of relying on OOXML conversion in LO
is an open question.

That ODF12 is supported by m$ is useful to know, thanks. This means
that LO users will be able to send ODF12 documents and when recipients
complain that they can't read it, the recommended options are to
upgrade to m$ or use LO/another ODF compliant program.

As mentioned before ad nausem, those unhappy with LO should simply revert to m$.

The best way to solve these endless questions about "compatibility" is
not to use LO as a m$ clone. Use it to create odf documents or buy m$.

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