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On 11/19/2012 11:00 AM, eddie arni wrote:
First off, disclaimer, I'm not a math guy.

So bear with me.

I'm working on a spreadsheet documenting my expenditures during a recent
trip to Europe. I've entered my expenses under various headings: food,
transport, etc., represented by different columns. Dates are represented by
rows. Each expenditure has it's own cell.

I've got amounts filled in five different currencies.

I'd like to convert the amounts in each of the  cells to US dollars.

So my questions is, how can I write a formula to multiply each value in
specific cells by a given factor?

In other words, how do I write a formula converting the amounts entered in
cells  B6 B7 C6 C7 D6 D7 which will show the result in those cells but leave
other cells alone and not multiply them all together?

I followed the directions in the help manual and had no trouble figuring out
how to add and average the values in highlighted cells, but I've been
working on functions to multiply them individually and thus far no dice.

Sorry for the awkward wording, as I said I'm not a math guy!

any help appreciated!


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First you do not normally calculate and replace in a cell (take data in C5 do some calculations and put answer back into C5 - this recursion); you calculate a new value in D5 based on the value in C5 using your formula.

A couple of tricks; I would put all your conversions in one area with each one labeled. You can make each conversion factor a single cell named range but this is more of convenience.

For a data in C7 and a conversion factor in A4 (called foo) your formula in D7 is =C7*$A%4 (using absolute reference for A4) or =C7*foo

Jay Lozier

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