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On 2012-11-16 02:27, Nikolai Huckle wrote:
Hi All,

I have a problem with the End-notes in Libre Office, which I cannot solve
I want a End-note that looks, in the text and on the End-note page, like
this: [1],[2],...
with the same font-style and size as the normal text body.

Another thing that is important is, that I have the possibility to make the
End-note page not the last in the document, because I have a backcover

So basically it´s two things, how do i change the End-note style the way I
want it to and how do i change where the End-note page is created?

I would appreciate any help on this!Thanks in advance for an answer.


Hi. I just did this with references to a bibliography. I wrote the notes on a page where I wanted them in format preceded by [1],[2] etc. I then did Insert>Cross-reference. Set reference, highlighted [1] and gave it a name say Enote1 and click insert. Now go to the place in your text you want to place the reference to the note, insert reference and Insert reference to = reference. Select Enote1 and click insert.

Another great thing here with LO is highlight the inserted reference in your text (not the actual note) and press F11 for styles. Select character styles and at top right select "New style from selection and call it Enote say. Each time you insert a reference, highlight the inserted reference in your text (not the actual note) and double click the new Enote character style you created to apply the same style. All your references now have the same style, if you modify the style (right click on the style) to say superscript, all your references become superscript. If you colour the font or add a background they all change and have the same style.

The reason I use cross references is because when a PDF is created they produce links in the pdf that allow you to easily jump to the reference.

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