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Hi :)  

When i save a file onto my company's network and then reopen it (still in Ubuntu) it all works 
fine.  When my boss opens the file in Windows an error-message pops-up saying that he can only open 
a copy or in Read-Only mode.  It's closed on my machine but his one claims it's still open.  Then 
my boss changes the name, edits the document, saves and closes.  Then when i open the new version 
of the document it tells me i can only open in Read Only (or a copy)!  

It does have a slight advantage in that it forces my boss to effectively make backups and i am 
gradually encouraging a standard versioning system other than 
in roughly random order and sometimes without the filename part so folders end up full of documents 
that could be about anything.  Draft does not always come first and may even be the final and 
revised might be a revised draft or just be a draft.  Hence frequent shouts of "so which one am i 
supposed to open?".  It's slow going but at least we seem to make occasional steps forwards.  

So, i am not sure i really want to fix the problem but it's one of the excuses some of my 
colleagues use to revert to inferior products instead of going with LO.  

Regards from
Tom :)  

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