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Hi :)
Thanks :)   [bows]  

Each time i ask around i seem to get closer to the answer but everyone has their own ideas and many 
seem to be just plain wrong or wishful thinking.  I've kinda distilled it down to what i wrote.  

1.  It's a moving target
2.  The 'best' imo really depends on what you are looking for.  

For me i think the "best for meeting my deadlines" is the latest release in the older branch.  I've 
gotten used to the older branch and know what to expect from it.  So right now that's the 3.5.7.  
Fairly soon it's going to be the 3.6.4.

Most of work's machines are on 3.5.4 (i think) and that's good enough.  So i'll only be using 3.5.7 
on my own machine until i get a chance to upgrade them all at the same time.  It doesn't matter if 
i miss the 3.5.7 and end-up upgrading them all to the 3.6.4 as long as i get a quick test drive of 
that before rolling it out.  I like to try to keep them all on the same version but it's not really 

Sadly JRE is a tfn.  Best to avoid it completely if at all possible.  
Tools - Options - Java
and untick the box.  Does anything grumble while using LO?  If not then keep it off.  If something 
grumbles about not being able to open or whatever then switch Java on again and re-open whatever it 

Generally it's 'best' for your machine to have the latest Java but they upgrade every month so it's 
not always possible.  Also we have just heard from Stuart from the Accessibility List that some 
combinations of LO and Java don't allow screen-readers to work properly.  Luckily i don't need a 
screen-reader so i can just keep the latest JRE switched off in the background (in case i ever need 
it in a hurry).  Stuart's post about the Java Access Bridge (JAB) and JRE made me doubly glad i'm 
not blind.  Although if i was i might not have read his post and not be fretting about it now.  If 
you don't need a screen-reader then you don't need the JAB and you can rest easy and probably 
entirely avoid java altogether.  

Hmmm, my boss uses Hotmail which seems to demand java for it's login and he has the one from last 
month so hotmail is now refusing to let him login until he upgrades java.  I shouldn't laugh 
because Yahoo is just as bad really although i'm plesed to find the login doesn't seem to require 

Luckily you can have 2 or more versions of java although it's generally a bad idea.  Hopefully your 
web-browsers and stuff all pick-up on the latest one.  You can set which one LO uses from that 
Tools - Options - Java
screen so if you do ever need an older version of java that might be the best way.  Best is to 
"just say no" ;)
Regards from
Tom :)  

From: Pertti Rönnberg <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012, 12:15
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Indexing for Search not working?

That info of yours is not only interesting but very important for me as 
an user - and most certainly for others too.
Unfortunately you add that "it is how you imagine it works"!

Would it be possible that you check that with the board or the devs 
themselves and then confirm it to us?
If I were you I definitely would like to be sure about the proceedings - 
(a) if such really has been settled or  (b) if not settled?

Some posts ago I asked what version is for the time being considered the 
most reliable, especially regarding Base?
-- and what version of JRE is in that version needed for Base (if 
anymore needed)?
I have read the release notes and got an picture but what is your opinion?
My version now is LibO3.4.6 on Win7Pro/32 and Win7/64.
Pertti Rönnberg

On 18.10.2012 12:41, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
The upgrade from 3.5.x to 3.5.7 is extremely unlikely to cause problems.  That 3rd digit is 
roughly like a "Service Pack" number, but divide it by 2 because MS only does 3 SPs whereas LO 
does 6 or 7.

The 3.x.7 aims at avoiding introducing new features!  New features are mostly in the 3.6.x or 
being lined-up for the 3.7.0.  The 3.5.7 is likely to just have fixes for any lingering problems 
in the 3.5.6.  Most of those fixes will be being merging into the 3.6.3 and .4.  At least that's 
how i imagine it works.  Certainly once that 3rd digit reaches .4 the branch seems a lot  more 

Regards from
Tom :)

From: anne-ology <>
To: Dr. R. O Stapf <>
Sent: Thursday, 18 October 2012, 2:31
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Indexing for Search not working?

         and now we're 3  :-)

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Dr. R. O Stapf

On 17.10.2012 16:07, Pertti Rönnberg wrote:

BRAVO Anne-Ology!!
Exactly that message - only in other words -- I have repeatedly tried to
tell to the LibO-experts (devs) since January:
they must take a brake in developing and take a certain version (e.g.
3.4.xx) and make every module of the suite - Base included - absolutely
free of bugs and inconsistencies both in programming and the instructions
and especially the LibO-Help.
Every feature shall have a clear explanation and a detailed guiding
how-to in the LibO-Help -- easily understood by any average non-expert

I cannot agree more.
I started with 3.5.4 a few month ago and saw some problems disappearing in
    3.5.5 and 3.5.6. Currently I am hesitating to upgrade to 3.5.7.
I hope the dev-team listens to Pertti's words.

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