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Thanks. This is a fairly new connection, so I can't be sure it has ever had
read/write. I know it's read-only because if I open the table and click
Edit everything is greyed out except Copy. And if I access data via the
form I can't change anything.

I can access the data via phpMyAdmin and make changes. I have added a
primary key this way, but I'm not sure that Base is seeing that - there is
no sign of it if I edit the table structure in Base.

On 18 October 2012 08:53, Mark Stanton <> wrote:

Is this after you've switched to using a different copy?
It sounds like you have had read/write access in the past, is that
right?  If so, what changed?

How do you know it's read only?
If your form won't let you change the data it's a local issue, if you
can save but it makes no difference presumably thems who are
administering the MySQL have set something.

Often the reason for having read only access through Base is that the
table in question doesn't have a primary key defined, but if you've
had write access before and nothing else has changed that would be

Mark Stanton

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