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12.04 had 3.5.4 as the default system. But when I removed it to have 3.5.6 installed, that is when it installed AdiWord and made it the default for a word processing package.

Also, I use MATE [GNOME 2.x fork-like package] for the desktop environment so I do not need to deal with the Unity desktop left side of the screen taskbar. I prefer the taskbar/panel on the bottom and a second panel on the top of the desktop screen.

With a clean install of 10.04 and the direct upgrading to 12.04, there is not issues with the upgrading to Ubuntu's default system. BUT, I do not like the defaults for most of the system, like Unity. I used 10.04 GNOME and KDE packages on the system, choosing which package works the best for my needs. Now I deal with having 12.04 with Unity, KDE, and MATE together using MATE as the default desktop environment.

On 10/10/2012 12:54 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
I have often heard grumbles about the insanity of Ubuntu's package maintainers but they have never 
got close to troubling me before.  Still haven't really but i hope it doesn't create problems for 
other people.

I did a clean fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on a few different machines and found LO was the default odf 
reader/writer.  The default desktop environment only has about 6 or 8 things on it's equivalent of the 
"taskbar" and about 4 of them are LibreOffice things.  Reaching anything else is a little trickier 
as menus seem to be old fashioned nowadays.

I've not tried an upgrade from 10.04 LTS or at least not noticed the results being problematic
Regards from
Tom :)

From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P <>
To: LibreO - Users Global <>
Sent: Wednesday, 10 October 2012, 16:21
Subject: [libreoffice-users] removing AbiWord from Ubuntu 12.04 kills LO desktop-menus

I noticed that AbiWord was the default ODF file reader when I right-click on a document created 
with LO.  I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04.1 64-bit from 10.04.

When I use the package manager to remove AbiWord, it removed things like the desktop menu listing for LO in 
Office and some other LO packages.  When I did a reinstall, the desktop menu creation failed due to a LO-core 
issue.  So I needed to remove all of the LO package files and do a "fresh install".

Why AbiWord removal removes LO packages, I do not know.

Why did re-installing LO over the working 3.5.6 to replace the "removed" or "broken" packages, 
cause the desktop menu error, I do not know.

Why it took a removal of LO from the system and a "fresh" install to get it working again, I do not 

But for anyone using Ubuntu 12.04, be sure to remove AdiWord before you install LO on your system.  
12.10 comes out in about a week, so this might be an issue there as well, if 12.10 installs AdiWord 
when you want LO's newest.

By-the-way Ubuntu 12.04.1 installs LO 3.5.4 by default, so removing that version to use 3.5.6, 
"forces" Ubuntu to install AbiWord during the removal of 3.5.4, so you will have some wordprocessor.

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