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       [image: Inline image 1] yes, and I think you've just described the
'Gates' fiasco'  [image: Inline image 2]

On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 5:05 AM, Tom Davies <> wrote:

Hi :)
I vaguely remember Norton updated their virus-definitions on Thursdays so
i would schedule a look-for-updates for Fridays.  Of course MS do their
updates on Tuesdays (="Patch Tuesday") so Norton/Symantec might have
changed in the last decade or so.

Of course if either find a particularly nasty problem then they do
sometimes push patches or whatever out on a different day but it's fairly
rare.  Of course an ISP might delay updates for a day or 2 so your machine
might regularly get them a day or few later but i think by being regular MS
and others have given ISPs a chance of knowing when they might get spikes
so that those can be planned for easily.

I still don't get why Windows doesn't have a package-manager that just
updates everything all in one go instead of each different program being
forced to set-up it's own separate method of keeping things up to date.
Also i never had/have confidence in any machine having fully updated
drivers and codecs and everything.  Windows appears to be carefully built
to be insecure.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Dan <>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Rel. 3.6.1 and Norton AntiVirus
Date: Thursday, 30 August, 2012, 3:14

webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:
On 08/29/2012 08:21 PM, Dan wrote:
Jeff Hahn wrote:
When I try to upgrade from 3.6.0 to 3.6.1 the Norton AntiVirus program
keeps deleting the upgrade as an unsafe virus. This is the first
that I have had this type of problem with. Jeff

     To make sure I understand: Norton deletes the LO 3.6.1 download
     Otherwise, you should not have Norton running when you install the
upgrade; you should not be physically connected to the Internet either.
Disconnect from Internet, turn off anti-virus program, install LO
turn on anti-virus program. ONLY WHEN AV IS RUNNING should you reconnect
to the Internet.


This is not the first time I have heard of Norton stating valid install
files were viruses or other nasties.

I never had any good luck with Norton's AV, so I use the free version of
Comodo product[s] for my Windows machines.  I have hooked even PC repair
and selling pro's to using it.

As for not having AV running when not online, well that is not what I
tell people.  An anti-virus is needed if you are offline and suddenly
is a trojan or other nasty kicking in and doing a number.  They can be
picked up and not cleaned in a few ways other than being online.  I have
Ubuntu system picking up new things from files that I have had on my
for months and suddenly it detects something the AV system does not like.
If I did not have the AV system on 24/7, then those issues might not have
been picked up.  The real thing is that the AV systems update their data
systems, mostly, after a new "nasty" has been detected.  If your system
that "nasty" on it before that nasty has been added to your AV data
then you will need to have the other parts of the AV and security
on to detect the traces of it trying to work.  SO do not turn your
security off.

I have had to deal with too many systems from friends and clients where
they did not have their security on 24/7 and kept up-to-date.  Had one
system that the AV was on but not updated in over 2 years and the guy
a lot.

     Perhaps I was not as clear as I should have been. I listed 5 steps
that have been posted on lists like these when installing OOo. Programs
like Norton will give false positives that prevent installation of a
program. So, the AV program needs to be off when the installation is being
done. However, the AV program should NOT be turned off until AFTER the
computer is physically disconnected from the Internet. The installation
should be done immediately after turning off the AV. The AV should be
turned on again right after finishing the installation. At this point,
verification that the AV is actually working is the next step. If it is
not, steps have to be taken to get the AV working properly before doing
anything else. Once this is done, reconnect to the Internet. My point was
that the computer should not be connected to the Internet until AFTER the
person knows that the AV is already working.
     Yes, anyone using an AV should weekly update it, sooner if there is a
notice of an update because of a patch that is needed.


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