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JRE 1.6 32 bit edition works all the time.
JRE 1.7 32 bit edition works if (and only if) JRE 1.6 is installed first and is pointed to in the 
options.  (you can even uninstall JRE 1.6 afterward...)
Neither of the 64 bit versions work.  (or show up as Java versions in the options list under LO)

Bottom line is; get rid of Java altogether and the problem ceases to be a problem...

Either you are getting rid of Java or you're not.  It's sort of like being sick.  Either you are or 
you aren't.

If even one thing remains that depends on Java, then it's a dependency.

Just my $.02



Bob McDonald
Sr. IPAM Engineer

Technical Expertise. Tangible Results.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob McDonald []
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2012 8:28 AM
To: V Stuart Foote;
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice and Java

And this is clearly documented...



Bob McDonald
Sr. IPAM Engineer

(P) 267-236-0145
(F) 267-236-0016
(C) 215-370-3411

Technical Expertise. Tangible Results.

-----Original Message-----
From: V Stuart Foote []
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 5:42 PM
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice and Java

Folks should understand that the "Java Accessibility Bridge" foundation
for LibreOffice Assistive Technology and Accessibility Tools is one of
the primary components entirely dependent on a functional JRE?  Java is
going to be with us in LibreOffice long after JRE 1.6 has been dropped
from Oracle support. Dealing with JRE 1.7 configuration is necessary now
and in the future.

So, JRE 1.6u34 is the latest release of that branch and JRE 1.7u06 is
the latest of that branch. But, both are completely functional with
LibreOffice when properly configured, and both support Java
Accessibility Bridge and Assistive Technology and the Accessibility
Tools in LibreOffice.

The problem is when they are not configured correctly. Java Access
Bridge, LibreOffice AT, and LibreOffice in general require use of a
32-bit JRE to work seamlessly.

Users on 64-bit Windows are tripped up by the Oracle JRE installers (or
Ninite installer packaging) that generically install the 64-bit JRE.  It
is the generic Windows centric installation--of executables copied into
the C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folders that
problems for LibreOffice Java Access Bridge dependent users of LO
Accessibility Tools. Simply put, the wrong version of the JRE gets

To avoid that for JRE, JAB and LibreOffice AT users, forcing a proper
configuration requires removal of the generic executables and inclusion
of the JRE into system PATH variable. Convention says use a JAVA_HOME
variable, but the full path to the JRE bin directory is just as
effective, e.g. append ";C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin" to the
PATH variable.

Sounds simplistic, but if you start with a solid 32-bit JRE install, the
JAB will go on cleanly (use the JWin tool). Follow that with NVDA or
commercial screen reader, and then a LibreOffice 3.6.1 installation.
Which now offers Accessibility support during installation and startup.

Additionally, for users that had a JRE 1.6 installation and had problems
following a JRE 1.7 upgrade.  Doing an "upgrade" to JRE 1.7 does not
clear the JRE 1.6 configuration that LibreOffice had been using--and
suspect there are JAB and other assistive technologies that will also
have broken configurations. The most reliable way is to remove it all
and start from the JRE installation.

But for certain, with LibreOffice the configuration has to be  manually
cleared--and allowed to rebuild with correct JRE 1.7 details.  A JRE 1.6
installation would be just as trouble prone if it were not configured


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob McDonald []
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2012 12:07 PM
To: Tom Randall;
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-users] Libreoffice and Java

It seems to work fine if you take JRE 1.7 off the machine and install
JRE 1.6...

Once they take Java out of the equation, it'll be fixed.  Until they do,
however, take 1.7 off and Install 1.6.  That seems to fix the problem.



Bob McDonald
Sr. IPAM Engineer

(P) 267-236-0145
(F) 267-236-0016
(C) 215-370-3411

Technical Expertise. Tangible Results.

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