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       Thanks for this bit of information;
            sounds intriguing ...
                where is the software located?,
               does it contain all the quotes from Barton's and/or Oxford's
Dictionary of Quotations?,
               how much does it cost?,
               does it automatically use the proper footnote and
bibliographic notations?, numbering accordingly?,
              and how complicated is it to operate?, if you've had it, yet
haven't used it makes me wonder re. this program.

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Steven Shelton <>wrote:

On 8/14/2012 9:20 AM, anne-ology wrote:
Could you please explain what is Zotero?

It's a research tool that allows you to select quotes and generate
citations from them. You can generate bibliographies and reports and do
all kinds of stuff. It looks like something that would really help me,
and I installed it ages ago, but have never had the time to learn how to
use it. Given my profession, I would think it could be tremendously
helpful, so I have it on my list of things to master.  It probably would
be a good tool to try to integrate into LibO.

- --
Steven Shelton

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