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Well, from this logic, you could say that if LO had problems, everyone
would have a problem, but it's working fine for everyone else :)

The issue is somewhere between LO and your system, so ruling out the OS is
not a bad idea.
For example, when a system got a faulty RAM module, it could work fine most
of the time but crash under some load (and LO is quite the load...).

Cley Faye

2012/5/6 Ant <>

Um, why? If I had problems, then LO wouldn't be the only with problems.
Everything else is working fine. :)

On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 12:37:25PM +0100, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Have you ever used a Gnu&Linux before, such as Ubuntu or something?  Do
you know how to run a LiveCd session without installing it and without it
touching your hard-drive at all?

If so then it might be good to use a LiveCd or LiveUsb session to scan
the hard-drive to see if there is a problem with it.  Perhaps do an
antivirus scan at the same time (well, shortly after as it's best to let
GPartEd do it's thing without touching the hard-drive in any other way at
the same time.).

I tend not to use Ubuntu for this sort of thing.  It's too heavy and
takes ages as a LiveCd and doesn't get to the LiveCd session unless you
first choose to install it and then use the back-button to get back to the
pop-up that gives a choice to "Try it".  Every other distro i have tried
does a better LiveCd session and usually gets straight into the LiveCd
session without any effort at all.  So, for this sort of thing i would
probably use Trinity Rescue Kit.
but there are a lot of choices out there and we probably each have our
own favourites.

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