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Thank you, Miroslaw, for your explanation.

I had not encountered the "cascade" behavior in this fashion in OOo; there, I had always used "Default" as the primary style; based on that I had then configured all other
styles without any quirks at all.

It is only after I started working with LO Writer that I met up with the 'strange' response of paragraphs to the Default style. Your explanation cleared things up and now, with
Text Body as the basic style, the problems have seemingly disappeared.

At this point, my only question is: what caused the designers of the Writer code
to change the modus operandi?

Thanks again for your clarification.


On 02/02/2012 at 05:23, "John D. Herron" <> wrote:
As an aside: can anyone tell me what difference there is between
'Default' and 'Text body'?

On 02/02/2012 01:54 PM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote

As Cor pointed out (in rather harsh way, if you ask me), probably you did not
read documentation carefully enough.

Styles are hierarchical (in web-world it's called "cascade"). You may open new
document in Writer, press F11 and set "Hierarchical" from drop-down list at
the bottom of new window. You will see that all styles in entire document are
child of "Default" style. In other words, changes made in Default style will
be present in all other styles. Changes in that style should be keep to
minimum - ideally, you should change only font family and size there. You
should *not* apply Default style directly to any paragraph.

For your main text you should use "Text body" style.

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