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On Tue, 2012-02-07 at 18:32 -0500, drew wrote:
On Tue, 2012-02-07 at 22:17 +0000, e-letter wrote:
On 07/02/2012, Nino Novak <> wrote:

As a consequence: It would help most, if the database set up barrier could

We therefore should ask (and try to learn) what makes database creation so
difficult, and how could we contribute to ease the learing curve?

Or directly: how can we make database creation easy and a low-threshold

The statement made by someone that databases requires planned design
_first_ is important to remember. But for a novice how do you make the

This is why the original poster was asked the question why did
spreadsheet names have to be changed, although he doesn't think it
important. It is important to know the objective. 

Sorry - and without comment on the new discussion going on here - but it
was not important in the case of the question asked earlier.

The user asked how to rename sheets in Calc - end of story. 

If you don't want to answer that question, then don't answer - but don't
open the door and show him two young men in white shirts offering to
save his soul..

or - answer his, perfectly valid, question first and then offer the
sermon, but what he got was a sermon and no answer to his question.

Just one more thing if I may.

That isn't the norm here, I know it's not 
- I don't know how that got out of hand so quickly, maybe there was an
earlier exchange on the list that I didn't see 
- nor am I trying to preach to you guys either, just asking that you
keep it in perspective, that's all.

ok - now I'll shut up.



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