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On Sat, 2012-01-28 at 21:56 +0100, Andreas Säger wrote:
Base is not a database. Base is a tool to work with variuos types of 
databases. The type of database connected to your Base document is 
indicated in the status bar of the database main window. If you are 
talking about an embedded HSQLDB then all I can tell is, that there is 
no built-in way to calculate dates other than CURRENT_DATE. "Better" 
databases have a function DATEADD at least.
Which type of database are you connected to?

 This might not be the most elegant solution: 

I created a table of dates (01/01/2012 to 12/31/2013) calling it "Date".
Then I wrote a query using  the following SQL:
     SELECT "Date" FROM "Date" WHERE DATEDIFF('dd',:start_date,"Date")
=180 OR DATEDIFF('dd',:start_date,"Date") = 365

:start_date is a parameter. When the query is run, a dialog asks you for
the start date. It then returns the date 180 days later followed by the
date 365 days later.

Does someone know how to create a table using SQL or perhaps even a
macro that would create the date table with enough entries for the
number of years that this database might need?


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