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Hi Pál,

csanyipal schrieb:

So if I understand well, SUMPRODUCT in this case will summarize values of
cells in an array if we gives the formula:
=SUMPRODUCT('O.tanácsi f.év'.Z7:Z26;'O.tanácsi f.év'.Z7:Z26>=8;'O.tanácsi


but will only count cells with the given conditions if we gives the formula:
=SUMPRODUCT('O.tanácsi f.év'.Z7:Z26>=8;'O.tanácsi f.év'.Z7:Z26<=17)

* =SUMPRODUCT(condition1;condition2)*

condition1 and condition2 are arrays too.

As one can see in the LO Help,  SUMPRODUCT multiplies corresponding elements
in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products.

I'm trying to understand SUMPRODUCT considering this case abowe. Is there
something more to be added to this explanation?

Yes. The part 'O.tanácsi f.év'.Z7:Z26>=8 results in an internal array of boolean and in LibreOffice "boolean" is not an own data type, but it is used as number with TRUE = 1 and FALSE = 0. Therefore the product table
first operand   second operand   product
1 (=TRUE)       1 (=TRUE)        1 (=TRUE)
1 (=TRUE)       0 (=FALSE)       0 (=FALSE)
0 (=FALSE)      1 (=TRUE)        0 (=FALSE)
0 (=FALSE)      0 (=FALSE)       0 (=FALSE)
is the table of logical AND at the same time.
And because multiplying with 0 results in 0 only those entries, which are multiplied with 1, are "count" in the summing up.

Kind regards

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