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On 12/27/2011 08:40 AM, Csanyi Pal wrote:
Alan Boba<>  writes:

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 11:21 AM, Csanyi Pal<>  wrote:

Alan Boba<>  writes:

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Alan Boba<>  wrote:
2011/12/26 Csányi Pál<>
It works for the next raw, but how can I use this behavior when I want to
copy to a different column?

When I'm trying to copy to the next column:


It remains like this:


and the address $AD6 doesn't changed to $AD7, why?

I'm a bit lost by your question. Copying the first formula to another cell
_on_the_same_row_ should have exactly the result you've shown.
My question abowe is about that that if one want to copy a formula into
a cell say one raw lower, then addresses in formula would change without
'$' prefix but wouldn't change (again, without '$' prefix) if the same
formula want to copy into a cell that is in the same raw. I hope I'm
clear now. (Sorry for my English.)
Your English is fine. For example if you had a formula in C7 with references to A7 and B7, =A7+B7 copying the formula to G9 should result in =E9+F9, the copy paste references to the cells using relative location.

If the formula was originally =$A$7+$B$7 pasting to any other cell will not change the references, it is absolute and will always refer to A7 and B7. Pasting into K7, H4, or C34 will always use the values in A7 and B7.

If the formula was originally =$A7+$B7 pasting into K7 has no change because the row is the same. Pasting into H4 results in =$A4+$B4 and C34 results in =$A34+$B34

If the cell reference in the formula should change from $AD6 to $AD7 then
after copying the formula it must be pasted one row below the row it is
copied from. If the formula is in cell A1 and copied from there to cell B2
the cell reference in the formula will be updated from $AD6 to $AD7. Note
the destination I've given is on a different row and in a different column.
However only the row number would change because the column value is
preceded by "$". If the formula is pasted into a cell two rows lower then
the cell reference would change from $AD6 to $AD8 and so on.
All right, I understand You perfectly. Thanks for the explanation!

Jay Lozier

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