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Hi :)
Don't worry.  Any time is ok.  This thread stays here and you can always
create a new one if it's months or years before you get around to it.  

Rtf can hold images.  I just did a quick check.  Svg, png, gifs were all
fine.  I didn't try jpgs.  Rtf can't cope with Macros

Microsoft promoted Rtf as a long-lasting format that all sorts of programs
would use.  Apparently there was/is a court-case about it.  There were
claims that Rtf was too proprietary to the extent that it was difficult for
non-MS programs to integrate updates to the format into their programs.  So
instead of being able to be used properly in all programs Rtf was really
limited to MS programs.  Crazy huh?  MS have stopped developing Rtf so any
current or future security issues or any problems at all will remain
unfixed.  MS claim that DocX is "Open" but seem to be making  their
implementation of it secret/proprietary.  

Now Adobe are promoting their Pdf format as the one format that can be read
the same on any system.  It is a proprietary format.  It is free as long as
they choose to keep it free but that could change anytime they like.  Also 
if there are any problems or security issues then we have to rely on Adobe
to fix them.  

Rtf to Pdf is a bit like "Out of the frying pan and into the fire".  It does
sort things out temporarily but locks you in further.  Staying with Rtf
makes more sense.  Moving to Odf is the best bet = at least it really is
native to a wide variety of programs and is even supported in MS Office now.  

Regards from
Tom :)

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