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####      Please no Cc: to me because I read the list from an       ####
####      archive and do not need additional copies on my           ####
####      Cell-Phone or TabletPC where Traffic is expensive!        ####

Hello *,

since August 2011 I am experimenting with Cloud-Computing using 200  IBM
Severs (used) in total and searching for an Office  Suit  which  can  be
integrated into a Web-Interface.

The current Doc-Viewer is WebODF but it is realy limited. Now try to use
EtherPAD, but it is not realy what I like.

I have found an old announcement that OOo will be available  as  Web-App
and I like to know, whether it exist already and where  the  mailinglist

Note:  It seems the OOo guys will shutdown the OOo site and mailinglists

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack

##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ######################
   Development of Intranet and Embedded Systems with Debian GNU/Linux
               Internet Service Provider, Cloud Computing

itsystems@tdnet                     Jabber
Owner Michelle Konzack

Gewerbe Strasse 3                   Tel office: +49-176-86004575
77694 Kehl                          Tel mobil:  +49-177-9351947
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