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Le 28/10/11 11:47, Ian Whitfield a écrit :


As an aside, it would be helpful if you could post a new thread instead
of tagging onto an existing one. If the answers to your question run to
several lengths/respondents, the initial thread will become completely
unreadable, not to mention your own question. Anyway...

I have a Database that I developed several years ago in OO. It runs well
and is used every day. I currently run it in OO (3.2.1). When LO first
came out I installed this on a second machine and tried to run my DB
with it but with no luck. I have had a tries as new versions of LO
became available but always no luck.

Can you be more precise as to tries ? I'm afraid that the information
you provide is insufficient to be able to hope to provide you with any
sort of answer.

Please specify :

OS : Linux Mint 10 KDE - OK

LibreOffice version : 3.3.4 ? OK, but distrib version, or downloaded
from LibreOffice web site and installed by hand ??

Java SDK/JRE versions installed : ???
Java SDK/JRE versions recognised by LibreOffice : ??

My second machine recently started to give problems so I moved
everything onto the main computer. I now have OO and LO (3.3.4) on the
same machine. It still refuses to run my DB. So I have to have my DB
open with OO and do my other work in LO. I have noticed a lot more
crashes and freezes and other strange behavior since having everything
on one machine. I read on the Forum just a day or so back that it is not
recommended to run both programs at the same time which is no doubt the
reason I'm seeing problems.

In my own personal experience, running both OOo and LibO at the same
time on the same OS has regularly led to freezes, crashes and erratic
behaviour (Mac OSX and Linux).

When I open LO Base it opens and shows me all my tables and forms etc.
But when I select 'Forms' to start the program LO just closes. It has
done this since the beginning!! If I do the same steps in OO it works

Let's forget the Forms bit for the moment.

Can you see the list of, and access (read/write), your Tables ?

Can you see the list of, and access, your Queries ?

With regard to the form, try this :
1) Open your form in OOo 3.2.1, then "Save as..." to a location of your
choice. Close OOo completely (including any quickstarter/menu launcher

2) Open your newly saved form with LibreOffice.
In theory, the form will be detached from the database, so no data will

3) Switch to Form Edit mode and re-assign the DATA connection of your
form to the corresponding database table. Save, close and try to re-open.

4) If an attempt to open the independent form in LibreOffice fails with
a crash, then there is something in your form that LibreOffice doesn't
like in its current incarnation.

If you really want us to be able to help you with a hands-on approach,
it would be useful to have access to a copy of the database, maybe you
could make it available publicly somewhere ?


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