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On 09/30/2011 11:29 AM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 30.09.2011 16:03, Don C. Myers wrote:
Hi Ian,

First, there are far more knowledgeable people responding here than I
am. But here are a few thoughts from reading this thread. These
suggestions are from my having used a database similar to yours for
years in Open Office, and since roughly 6 months in LibreOffice since I
switched from OpenOffice. I copy my database to 3 other computers
running LibreOffice (I did the same thing when I was using Open Office)
and I've never had any issues at all on any of the computers. So your
doing it should work perfectly fine. I also don't think this is a Java
issue. I'm assuming you have both LibreOffice and Open Office installed.
I've never had both on the same computer at the same time. When I moved
to LibreOffice, before I installed it, I removed Open Office. Maybe
there is a conflict on the second computer since I see ooobuild in the
path below. The second thought is maybe LibreOffice actually isn't
finding your database on the second computer. I would compare your
setup, paths, etc. on the first computer with the one on the second
computer, and make sure on the second computer LibreOffice is looking in
the right place for the database. I always have a folder under
home/documents/Database where I keep my database on all of the computers.



1) I run 5 versions of OOo (2.4.3/3.3/3.4beta) and LibO(3.3/3.4) on the same machine without any trouble nor conflict. OOo 2.x, 3.x and LibO behave as independent applications so I can run them at the same time. If it were a Windows machine I would run MS Office, Word Perfect or whatever as well.

First of all you should be aware about the database you are working with. No, Base is *not* a database. Your database is indicated in the status bar of the connected database document. If it claims to be "embedded" then you need to understand that you are working with a kind of plug-in that installs an external database.

2) I was not talking about the folder where to store the so called "database document". I was talking about the folder where the *true* database gets extracted to while you start up your embedded HSQLDB. Base is *not* a database program. You never work with Base. You *always* utilize some office features in order to work with some external database, even when it claims to be an "integrated" or "embedded" database. I strongly recommend to abstain from this type of database except for demos and drafts.

Demo proposal (1 minute of time):
Look up your temp. folder in Tools>Options>Paths and open that folder in your preferred file manager. Open any of your "integrated database documents" (status bar: embedded HSQLDB).
Open any object table, query, form or report in your database.
Watch the temp. folder. This is the place where your HSQL database actually lives. Close the "integrated database document" and watch the database disappearing. The database will be lost when any office component crashes while the database gets installed or repackaged respectively. Databases grow over time. The larger the database, the more likely you will lose the entire database so you need to restore it from backups.

3) In a Windows network I run a HSQLDB server and many clients. Each client writes to the very same database simultaniously through LibreOffice forms (could be any other database forms as well, Access for instance). No matter which component crashes, there can not be any data loss except the currently edited records. Of course I run daily backups, but only on the server machine. On the clients there is nothing to save.

Hi Andreas,

Thank you very much. Yes, I have an embedded data base, and yes, in the temp folder when I open a form in the database a new temporary file appears and when I close it the file goes away.

You have a much more elaborate system and use than I do. I have about 2,600 records in mine. I use it for doing some mail merge with writer, and basically for keeping information and updates for clients I work with. Is there a simple way to use the LibreOffice Front end with my form and use another database for the database file without it becoming a nightmare in trying to set it up? I'm running Ubuntu 11.04.

Thank you so much!




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