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2011/9/10 Tim Deaton <>:
Personally, I want LO to be able to do everything MS Office 97 did, and
mostly the way MS Office 97 did it - but that works well on current
operating systems.  Partly because that's what I'm used to, and partly
because in my opinion that was an excellent product.  It did what it did
better than anything since, and it contained all the functionality that 90%+
of us will ever use.  If LO approaches the same ease-of-use, it will take
HUGE market-share from Microsoft.

I always hated Office ’97, so when I first tried it was
one of those ”wow experiences”. Never looked back since.

By the way, I remember a funny thing with an Excel document I had back
then, when Excel was the only spreadsheet software I had. I opened the
spreadsheet, replaced a value in one cell, replaced a value in another
cell and then saved the spread sheet. Excel crashed.
Starting up Excel again, did exactly the same thing, Excel crashed.
Same thing again, Excel crashed again.
Started up Excel, but this time I changed the second cell first, then
I changed the first one, then saved. No crash…
Very funny indeed.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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